OHS Canada Magazine

Steps to streamline safety through effective contractor management
June 28, 2023 at 2:00pm

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By OHS Canada

Client organizations are feeling the pressure to react and adapt to external demands and new requirements related to workplace contractor and sub-contractor management. To stay ahead of the demand for better contractor management processes, it is becoming increasingly important for safety professionals to show evidence that you have control of contractor safety in your business by having more robust processes and procedures in place.

Learn about how your organization can:

  • Use trusted data and reports as evidence that you have control of contractor risk
  • Identify blind spots in your contractor network
  • Remove the administrative burden of contractor pre-qualification
  • Ensure due diligence by operating toward industry recognized standards such as COR and ISO45001
  • Join our webinar to learn about how to get ahead of these new changes in the contractor management landscape and stay competitive in the ever-changing market.


Dylan Street — Industry Expert · Alcumus

Dylan Street, industry expert at Alcumus, creates safer workplaces by collaborating with major companies across North America to implement tools and best practices when working with contractors. The programs Dylan puts together focus on improving efficiencies, reducing costs, and elevating contractor performance.

Larry Jones, Vice President · Ledcor

Larry is the Vice President of Health, Safety and Environmental Protection, Corporate. He is responsible for the HS&E Management System for all operating groups including Commercial and Industrial Construction, Pipeline, Forestry, Aviation, Communications, Transportation, Mining, and Infrastructure. Larry joined Ledcor in 2011 as the Director of Health, Safety and Environmental Protection and was promoted to Vice President in 2013.

He started his career in the forest industry spending four years in sawmilling and 18 years in pulp and paper in various operational leadership roles including health and safety. In 2007 to move his health and safety career to another level, Larry became the Director of Health and Safety for the Alberta Forest Products Association, representing the forest industry across the province. In 2008, Larry made the move to the construction industry where he join the Pyramid Corporation as the Corporate Safety Manager and later added the role of Human Resources to his title.

Larry completed his OHS Certificate with honours from BCIT and has been a Certified Registered Safety Professional since 2008. He has been a board member of the Job Safety Skills Society, a Safety Committee Co-chair of the Construction Owners Association of Alberta, a member of the Operational Advisory Committee with the Oil Sands Safety Association and has participated on various committees for OHS legislation review and publications.


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