OHS Canada Magazine

Saskatchewan passes amendments to occupational health and safety provisions, including requirement for violence policy

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May 23, 2023
By OHS Canada

Legislation saskatchewan

(Henryk Sadura/Adobe Stock)

Saskatchewan has passed a number of workplace safety provisions.

On May 17, 2023, the amendments to the Saskatchewan Employment Act came into force.

“The amendments passed today will ensure we are building a strong culture of workplace health and safety which is critical to helping reduce workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities,” Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don Morgan said.

All of the amendments are in force with the exception of the requirement to have a violence policy and investigate incidents. This provision will come into force in one year to allow employers the time and opportunity to create and implement policies. Guidelines and sample policies are available on saskatchewan.ca.

The Saskatchewan Employment (Part III) Amendment Act, 2022 includes:

  • Clarifying the definition of a worker to include secondary and post-secondary students so that they are covered by the provisions in Part III of the Act.
  • Clarifying the employers’ duty and responsibility to ensure that incidents of harassment are investigated.
  • Requiring all workplaces to have a violence policy in place that will also apply to students, volunteers and contract workers and investigate all incidents of violence in the workplace.
  • Clarifying the work and authority of occupational health officers to take photos and recordings during workplace inspections.
  • Authority for officers to exclude a person from an investigation interview if there is a perceived conflict. The person being interviewed would then be asked to nominate another person to attend the interview.
  • Housekeeping and general amendments necessary to keep the legislation relevant and aligned with other legislative requirements.


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