OHS Canada Magazine

Winter weather contributes to workplace injury spike: WorkSafeBC

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January 4, 2023
By OHS Canada

Health & Safety cold weather extreme cold Motor Vehicle Accidents Slips Winter Safety WorkSafeBC

Extreme weather in the winter can increase the risk of workplace injuries. Photo: Adobe Stock

With winter in full swing across the country, experts are reminding employers to update their risk assessments as conditions change.

WorkSafeBC said hazards include extreme temperatures, wet and slippery walkways, and poor road conditions.

“Anticipating the risks is key — as working in cold-weather conditions can lead to serious injuries if you’re not prepared,” said Barry Nakahara, Senior Manager of Prevention Field Services at WorkSafeBC. “For outdoor workers, cold stress injuries are an issue. Workers who drive as part of their job could be faced with hazardous road conditions, and workers from a range of industries could be impacted by slippery or wet sidewalks, walkways, and thoroughfares.”

Top risks

Key risks during winter weather include:

  • Cold stress: Between 2017 and 2021, close to 100 claims were accepted by WorkSafeBC for injuries related to cold stress — with 80 percent of those occurring during the winter months (November–March.)
  • Slips, trips and falls: Wet, snowy, and icy conditions can lead to slips, trips, and falls for workers in any sector. WorkSafeBC sees an approximate 11 percent increase in injuries caused by slips, trips and falls between November and March — many of them resulting in serious injuries, including fractures, sprains, and dislocations.
  • Motor vehicle incidents: Winter weather and driving conditions can vary greatly across B.C., ranging from blizzard conditions and icy roads to heavy rain and wet roads. As a result, workers are 18 percent more likely to be injured in a motor vehicle incident during the winter.

Conduct risk assessments as conditions change

Employers are responsible for managing risks in the workplace and taking reasonable steps to prevent injuries. Changing workplace conditions — including changes in weather — mean that risk assessments must be revisited on a regular basis, the agency said.


“Managing risk in your workplace involves thinking about what might cause harm to your workers and ensuring measures are in place to keep them safe,” says Nakahara.

WorkSafeBC stresses that effective health and safety programs during winter weather involve everyone, including front-line workers, members of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, managers, and supervisors.

“Your frontline workers should be actively engaged in risk assessments and the implementation of controls to keep everyone safe,” adds Nakahara.


WorkSafeBC offers the following free resources for employers:


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