OHS Canada Magazine

New Brunswick holding coroner’s inquest after man killed while working at a school

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November 21, 2022
By OHS Canada

Health & Safety Coroner's Inquest fatal accident New Brunswick

A coroner’s inquest is being held into the death of a worker who was injured working at a school in Bathurst, N.B., in 2019.

New Brunwick’s Office of the Chief Coroner announced that the inquest into the death of Sylvio St-Pierre has been scheduled for Dec. 5 to Dec. 9 at the Bathurst Law Courts.

St-Pierre died on April 12, 2019, as a result of injuries sustained while working at a school in the Francophone Nord-Est School District in Bathurst.

Presiding coroner Emily Caissy and a jury will publicly hear evidence from witnesses to determine the facts surrounding this death. The jury will have the opportunity to make recommendations aimed at preventing deaths under similar circumstances in the future.

An inquest is a formal court proceeding that allows for the public presentation of all evidence relating to a death. The New Brunswick Coroner Service is an independent fact-finding agency that may not make any finding of legal responsibility.


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